
  • Free Sessions That Sell Script | Discovery call template

    Welcome to Free Sessions That Sell Script | Discovery call template .

    The role of a life coach is to guide and support individuals in achieving their personal and professional goals.

    To be successful in this field, it is essential for life coaches to have strong sales skills to attract new clients and build a thriving business.

    A well-crafted sales script can provide structure and guidance to the sales process, ensure consistency in the sales pitch, and ultimately increase conversion rates.

    This article will explore the importance of sales scripts for life coaches and provide key components, strategies, and techniques for making the sales script effective, including the use of free sessions as a selling tool.

    Life coaches play a crucial role in helping individuals achieve their personal and professional goals. However, to be successful in this field, it is essential for life coaches to have strong sales skills to attract new clients and build a thriving business.

    This is where sales scripts come in. Sales scripts provide structure and guidance to the sales process, ensuring that life coaches can effectively communicate the value they offer to potential clients. In this article, we will explore why life coaches need sales scripts and the benefits they offer.

    A. To provide structure and guidance

    Sales scripts provide a framework for life coaches to follow during the sales process, helping them to stay on track and communicate their message effectively. They provide a roadmap for the conversation, making sure that all the important points are covered and that the conversation remains focused. Having a script also helps life coaches to avoid getting sidetracked or losing their train of thought, leading to a more efficient and effective sales process.

    B. To ensure consistency in sales pitch

    One of the key benefits of using a sales script is consistency. When life coaches use a script, they can be sure that they are delivering the same message every time, regardless of the client or the situation.

    This consistency in the sales pitch helps to build trust with potential clients, as they can see that the life coach is professional and well-prepared. It also helps to create a uniform brand image, strengthening the life coach’s reputation and attracting new clients.

    C. To increase conversion rates

    The ultimate goal of a sales script is to increase conversion rates, or the number of potential clients who become paying clients. By providing structure and guidance to the sales process, sales scripts help life coaches to make a more compelling and persuasive case for their services.

    They also help to address any objections that potential clients may have, increasing the chances of closing the sale.

    Furthermore, by using a sales script, life coaches can identify areas of their sales process that need improvement and make changes to increase conversion rates over time.

    Sales scripts are an essential tool for life coaches looking to attract new clients and build a successful business. By providing structure and guidance, ensuring consistency in the sales pitch, and increasing conversion rates, sales scripts help life coaches to communicate the value they offer to potential clients and build a thriving practice.

    Components of Free Sessions That Sell Script, Discovery call Script template

    A sales script is a valuable tool for life coaches to effectively communicate the value they offer to potential clients. When crafting a sales script, it is important to consider the key components that will make it effective.

    These components include understanding the target audience, highlighting the unique selling proposition (USP), overcoming objections, and closing the sale. In this section, we will discuss each of these components in detail.

    A. Understanding the target audience

    The first step in creating a sales script is to understand the target audience. This means considering the demographic information of the potential clients, such as age, income, and interests, as well as their pain points and goals. By understanding the target audience, life coaches can tailor their sales pitch to address the specific needs and concerns of these individuals. This makes the sales pitch more relevant and compelling, increasing the chances of conversion.

    B. Highlighting the unique selling proposition (USP)

    The unique selling proposition (USP) is the unique value that a life coach offers to clients. This could be a specific area of expertise, a unique approach to coaching, or a guarantee of results. It is important for life coaches to highlight their USP in their sales script, as it sets them apart from other life coaches and demonstrates the value they offer. By highlighting the USP, life coaches can differentiate themselves from their competitors and make a more compelling case for their services.

    C. Overcoming objections

    When selling their services, life coaches may encounter objections from potential clients. These objections could be related to the cost of the services, the commitment required, or the client’s skepticism about the effectiveness of coaching. It is important for life coaches to anticipate and overcome these objections in their sales script. By addressing these objections head-on, life coaches can demonstrate their knowledge and expertise, build trust with the potential client, and increase the chances of conversion.

    D. Closing the sale

    The final component of a sales script is closing the sale. This is the point in the conversation where the life coach asks the potential client to commit to their services. Closing the sale can be challenging, but having a script can make it easier. By following the script, life coaches can make a clear and confident ask, increasing the chances of securing a new client.

    In conclusion, the key components of a sales script for life coaches include understanding the target audience, highlighting the unique selling proposition (USP), overcoming objections, and closing the sale. By considering these components when crafting a sales script, life coaches can effectively communicate the value they offer and increase the chances of conversion.

    Simple Strategies for making a discovery or sales script effective

    Creating a sales script is just the first step in attracting new clients as a life coach. To make the sales script effective, it is important to use strategies that engage the target audience and build rapport.

    In this section, we will discuss three strategies for making a sales script effective: personalization and customization, incorporating storytelling techniques, and building rapport and establishing trust.

    A. Personalization and customization

    Personalization and customization are key to making a sales script effective. This means tailoring the script to the specific needs and concerns of the potential client. For example, if a potential client is skeptical about the value of coaching, the life coach can address this skepticism in their sales pitch. By personalizing and customizing the sales script, life coaches can make the sales pitch more relevant and compelling, increasing the chances of conversion.

    B. Incorporating storytelling techniques

    Storytelling is a powerful tool in communication, and it can be particularly effective in sales. Life coaches can use storytelling techniques in their sales script to illustrate their expertise and the value they offer. For example, they can share success stories of clients they have worked with or use analogies to explain their approach to coaching. By incorporating storytelling techniques into their sales script, life coaches can make their sales pitch more engaging and memorable, building a stronger connection with the potential client.

    C. Building rapport and establishing trust

    Building rapport and establishing trust with the potential client is critical to making a sales script effective. Life coaches can use a variety of techniques to build rapport, such as active listening, mirroring, and using the potential client’s name. Establishing trust with the potential client is crucial, as it increases the chances of conversion and strengthens the relationship with the client over time.

    In conclusion, to make a sales script effective, life coaches can use strategies such as personalization and customization, incorporating storytelling techniques, and building rapport and establishing trust. By using these strategies, life coaches can engage their target audience, build a stronger connection, and increase the chances of conversion.

    Techniques for making the most of free sessions

    Free sessions can be a powerful tool for life coaches to attract new clients and build trust. In this section, we will discuss three techniques for making the most of free sessions:

    • offering a complementary consultation,
    • delivering value during the free session, and
    • making the offer irresistible.

    A. Offering a complementary consultation

    Offering a complementary consultation is a popular technique for attracting new clients as a life coach. This allows potential clients to experience the value of coaching without any risk or obligation. The consultation can be conducted in person or over the phone, and it gives the life coach the opportunity to build rapport, address any objections, and showcase their expertise.

    B. Delivering value during the free session

    The goal of the free session is to deliver value to the potential client and build trust. Life coaches can use this opportunity to address the potential client’s pain points and goals, and demonstrate their expertise and approach to coaching. By delivering value during the free session, life coaches can increase the chances of conversion and establish a strong relationship with the client.

    C. Making the offer irresistible

    To maximize the effectiveness of free sessions, it is important to make the offer irresistible. This means using language and techniques that create a sense of urgency and a desire to take advantage of the offer. For example, life coaches can limit the availability of the free sessions or offer a special bonus for signing up. By making the offer irresistible, life coaches can increase the chances of conversion and build a strong client base.

    Free sessions are a powerful tool for life coaches to attract new clients and build trust. To make the most of free sessions, life coaches can offer a complimentary consultation, deliver value during the free session, and make the offer irresistible. By using these techniques, life coaches can effectively communicate their value, increase the chances of conversion, and establish strong relationships with their clients.


    In conclusion, sales scripts and free sessions are powerful tools for life coaches to attract new clients and build trust. A well-crafted sales script provides structure and guidance, ensures consistency in the sales pitch, and increases conversion rates. By incorporating strategies such as personalization and customization, storytelling techniques, and building rapport and trust, life coaches can make their sales scripts even more effective.

    Free sessions are also a valuable tool for life coaches to showcase their expertise and build trust with potential clients. By offering a complimentary consultation, delivering value during the free session, and making the offer irresistible, life coaches can increase the chances of conversion and establish strong relationships with their clients.

    In conclusion, we have discussed the importance of sales scripts and free sessions for life coaches, and the key strategies for making them effective. We encourage life coaches to put these strategies into practice and to continuously refine and improve their sales scripts and free session techniques. By doing so, life coaches can build a strong client base and achieve their goals as a coach.

  • Legal Templates For Coaches | Life Coaching Contract and Agreement

    Welcome to Legal Templates For Coaches | Life Coaching Contract and Agreement.

    The world of coaching is a dynamic one that requires careful consideration of various legal issues.

    It is crucial for coaches to have a solid understanding of legal templates to help protect their business and ensure they are in compliance with the law.

    In this article, we will delve into the importance of having legal templates for coaches and provide a brief overview of what the legal templates will cover.

    From understanding common legal issues faced by coaches to exploring the benefits of using legal templates, this article aims to provide valuable information for coaches looking to protect their business and build a successful coaching practice.

    Legal Considerations for Coaches

    A. Overview of common legal issues faced by coaches

    Coaches face a variety of legal issues in their day-to-day operations, including liability, privacy, and contract laws. Liability concerns arise when coaches are held responsible for harm caused to clients during coaching sessions, whether it be physical injury, emotional distress, or any other form of damage.

    Privacy is also a major concern for coaches, as they must ensure they protect the sensitive information shared by clients during coaching sessions.

    In addition, coaches must also be familiar with contract laws to ensure that their coaching agreements are legally binding and enforceable. These agreements must include all necessary terms and conditions and meet the requirements for creating a valid contract. Neglecting these legal issues can result in costly legal disputes and damage to the coach’s reputation, making it essential for coaches to understand and address these common legal issues.

    1. Liability: Coaches may be held liable for any harm caused to clients during coaching sessions.

    2. Privacy: Coaches must take measures to protect the privacy of clients and their information.

    3. Contract laws: Coaches must be familiar with contract laws to ensure their coaching agreements are legally binding and enforceable.

    B. Discussion of liability, privacy, and contract laws

    1. Liability:

    Coaches must have a clear understanding of their potential liability for harm caused to clients during coaching sessions. This can include physical injury, emotional distress, or any other damage caused during the coaching process.

    2. Privacy:

    Coaches must be mindful of the sensitive information shared by clients during coaching sessions and take appropriate measures to protect it. This can include implementing strict privacy policies and using encrypted communication methods.

    3. Contract laws:

    Coaches must be familiar with contract laws to ensure their coaching agreements are legally binding and enforceable. This includes understanding the requirements for creating a valid contract and ensuring that the agreement includes all necessary terms and conditions.

    These legal considerations are crucial for coaches to understand to help protect their business and ensure they are operating within the bounds of the law. Failing to address these issues can result in costly legal disputes, damage to the coach’s reputation, and other negative consequences.

    Coaches face a variety of legal issues in their day-to-day operations, including liability, privacy, and contract laws.

    Liability concerns arise when coaches are held responsible for harm caused to clients during coaching sessions, whether it be physical injury, emotional distress, or any other form of damage.

    Privacy is also a major concern for coaches, as they must ensure they protect the sensitive information shared by clients during coaching sessions.

    In addition, coaches must also be familiar with contract laws to ensure that their coaching agreements are legally binding and enforceable.

    These agreements must include all necessary terms and conditions and meet the requirements for creating a valid contract. Neglecting these legal issues can result in costly legal disputes and damage to the coach’s reputation, making it essential for coaches to understand and address these common legal issues.

    2. Legal Templates for Coaching Agreements

    What a coaching agreement is ?

    A coaching agreement is a written contract between a coach and a client that outlines the terms and conditions of the coaching relationship. This agreement serves as a clear understanding between the coach and client about what is expected from each party during the coaching process.

    Key elements of a coaching agreement

    The key elements of a coaching agreement typically include the scope of the coaching services, the fee structure, the length of the coaching relationship, the coach’s responsibilities, the client’s responsibilities, confidentiality clauses, and any applicable liability limitations. It is important to include all relevant information in the coaching agreement to ensure that the relationship is clearly defined and both parties are protected.

    Discussion of the use of legal templates in creating coaching agreements

    Creating a comprehensive and legally binding coaching agreement can be time-consuming and complex. This is where legal templates come in. Using a legal template as a starting point can save coaches time and effort in creating a coaching agreement that meets their specific needs. Templates provide a structure and a set of guidelines to help coaches create an agreement that is tailored to their business and protects their interests. Legal templates are widely available online and can be easily customized to fit the coach’s specific requirements.

    Keep in mind, a coaching agreement is a critical component of any coaching business and should not be overlooked.

    Legal templates for coaching agreements provide a convenient and cost-effective solution for coaches who want to ensure their agreement is legally binding and protects their interests.

    By using a legal template, coaches can save time and effort in creating a comprehensive agreement that meets the needs of their business

    3. Types of Legal Templates for Coaches

    Common types of legal templates for coaches

    Legal templates are essential tools for coaches who want to protect their business and ensure they are in compliance with the law. Some of the most common types of legal templates for coaches include coaching agreement templates, confidentiality agreement templates, and liability waiver templates.

    1. Coaching agreement templates: A coaching agreement template outlines the terms and conditions of the coaching relationship, including the scope of services, fee structure, and responsibilities of both the coach and the client. It is a crucial document that helps define the coaching relationship and protects the interests of both parties.
    2. Confidentiality agreement templates: Confidentiality agreement templates are used to protect the privacy of clients and their information. This type of template outlines the coach’s obligations with regard to protecting the privacy of clients and their information and the consequences of any breaches of confidentiality.
    3. Liability waiver templates: Liability waiver templates are used to limit the coach’s liability for harm caused to clients during coaching sessions. This type of template outlines the limitations on the coach’s liability and the extent to which clients assume the risk of participating in coaching sessions.

    These legal templates provide a convenient and cost-effective solution for coaches who want to protect their business and ensure they are in compliance with the law. By using a legal template, coaches can save time and effort in creating a comprehensive agreement that meets their specific needs. Legal templates are widely available online and can be easily customized to fit the coach’s specific requirements.

    Furthermore, legal templates are essential tools for coaches who want to protect their business and ensure they are in compliance with the law. By using a legal template, coaches can save time and effort in creating a comprehensive agreement that meets their specific needs and protects their interests. Whether it is a coaching agreement template, confidentiality agreement template, or liability waiver template, coaches should take advantage of the benefits that these legal templates offer.

    4. Benefits of Using Legal Templates for Coaches

    Legal templates are a valuable resource for coaches who want to protect their business and ensure they are in compliance with the law.

    There are numerous benefits of using legal templates, including time and cost savings, increased level of protection for coaches and clients, and peace of mind knowing that their business is in compliance with the law.

    1. Time and cost savings: Creating a comprehensive and legally binding coaching agreement can be time-consuming and complex. Using a legal template as a starting point can save coaches time and effort in creating a coaching agreement that meets their specific needs. Legal templates provide a structure and a set of guidelines to help coaches create an agreement that is tailored to their business and protects their interests.
    2. Increased level of protection for coaches and clients: Legal templates ensure that the coaching agreement is legally binding and protects the interests of both the coach and the client. By using a legal template, coaches can ensure that their agreement covers all relevant legal considerations and reduces the risk of legal disputes. The use of legal templates also ensures that coaches are in compliance with the law and reduces the risk of legal liability.
    3. Peace of mind: Knowing that their business is in compliance with the law provides coaches with peace of mind and allows them to focus on what they do best – coaching. Legal templates provide a level of protection for coaches and their clients and help to ensure that the coaching relationship is clearly defined and understood.

    In conclusion, legal templates offer numerous benefits for coaches who want to protect their business and ensure they are in compliance with the law. Whether it is the time and cost savings, increased level of protection for coaches and clients, or peace of mind, the benefits of using legal templates are clear. Coaches who want to ensure that their business is in compliance with the law and protects their interests should take advantage of the benefits that legal templates offer.


    In conclusion, having legal templates is crucial for coaches who want to protect their business and ensure they are in compliance with the law.

    Legal templates provide a cost-effective and convenient solution for coaches who want to create a comprehensive agreement that meets their specific needs and protects their interests. Whether it is a coaching agreement template, confidentiality agreement template, or liability waiver template, coaches should take advantage of the benefits that these templates offer.

    The use of legal templates helps to ensure that the coaching relationship is clearly defined and understood and reduces the risk of legal disputes.

    By having legal templates in place, coaches can focus on what they do best – coaching – and have peace of mind knowing that their business is in compliance with the law.

  • Download Free Group Coaching Contract Template | Life Coaching Agreements Example

    Are you tired of feeling uncertain about the terms and expectations in your group coaching relationships? Are you looking for a way to ensure a professional and organized process for your clients? This group coaching contract template is the solution you’ve been searching for! This comprehensive agreement outlines the purpose, responsibilities, and terms of the coaching relationship, providing clarity for both the coach and the group.

    Say goodbye to confusion and miscommunication, and hello to a structured and effective coaching process with our group coaching contract template.


    A Group coaching is an effective way for a group of individuals to work towards common goals with the guidance and support of a professional coach.

    A group coaching contract serves as a written agreement between the coach and the group, outlining the expectations, responsibilities, and terms of the coaching relationship.

    By having a written agreement in place helps to ensure clear communication and understanding between the coach and group, and can help to avoid confusion or misunderstandings throughout the coaching process.

    In this article, I will cover the key components of a group coaching contract, including the purpose of the agreement, term, responsibilities of the coach and group, fees, confidentiality, governing law, and more.

    At the bottom of this article, you can swipe my Group Coaching Contract Template for free.

    Before I dive into the components of a good and reliable Group Coaching Contract Template, I want to talk about the purpose of the agreement.

    Why you should have a Group Coaching Contract Agreement even if you are a Complete Beginner

    • To provide clarity on the coaching goals and expectations for both the coach and the group
    • To define the terms of the coaching relationship, including start and end dates and provisions for early termination
    • To outline the responsibilities of both the coach and the group, including the number of coaching sessions, support, participation, and completion of tasks
    • To specify the fees for coaching services, including the total fee and payment schedule
    • To ensure confidentiality in the coaching process and maintain privacy for the group
    • To provide a legally binding agreement governed by jurisdiction for any disputes
    • To serve as the entire agreement, superseding all prior agreements and allowing for future amendments with written consent from both parties.

    Without further ado, let’s get started on the components of the group Coaching Contract Template that you should include.

    Life Coaching Contract and Agreements Must-Have Components

    1. Purpose of the Agreement

    A. The purpose of the Group Coaching Contract Template is to clearly define the coaching goals for the group. This section should outline the specific outcomes the group and coach are working towards, such as developing leadership skills, improving teamwork, or enhancing communication.

    Additionally, this section should clarify the expectations of both the coach and the group. This may include expectations around the frequency and duration of coaching sessions, communication between sessions, and the level of participation and engagement required from the group.

    By defining the goals and expectations up front, both the coach and the group can be better aligned and focused on achieving the desired outcomes.

    2. Term of the Agreement

    The term of the agreement outlines the start and end dates of the coaching relationship. This section should specify the beginning and ending dates of the coaching program, and the number of sessions included within that time frame.

    The term of the agreement should also include provisions for early termination. This may include circumstances under which either the coach or the group may choose to end the coaching relationship before the agreed upon end date, such as if the group’s goals are met earlier than expected, or if the coach determines that the group is not making progress towards their goals.

    This section helps to provide a clear understanding of the timeline for the coaching relationship, as well as any circumstances that may result in an early termination.

    3. Responsibilities of the Coach

    The responsibilities of the coach should include the number of coaching sessions that will be provided to the group.

    This may include the frequency and duration of each session, as well as any additional sessions that may be added as needed.

    The coach should also be available for email or phone support between sessions, to provide additional guidance and support to the group as they work towards their goals. The support includes responding to questions, providing feedback, or offering additional resources.

    The coach’s primary responsibility is to provide support and guidance to help the group achieve their goals. Coach may facilitating group discussions, offering feedback and coaching techniques, and holding the group accountable to their commitments and goals.

    The coach should be committed to helping the group grow and develop, and should use their expertise and experience to help the group reach their full potential.

    4. Responsibilities of the Group

    The responsibilities of the group should include attendance at all coaching sessions. This helps to ensure that the group is able to receive the full benefits of the coaching process and make progress towards their goals.

    The group should also commit to openness and honesty in the coaching process. The group should encourage tp be open to feedback, participating in group discussions, and sharing their experiences and challenges with the coach and other members of the group.

    Active participation in the coaching process is also important for the group.

    Actively participating in group discussions, completing assigned tasks, and implementing what they learn during coaching sessions in their daily lives.

    Finally, the group should be committed to completing any assigned tasks, such as reading assigned materials, participating in exercises, or completing homework assignments. These tasks are designed to help the group make progress toward their goals and are an important part of the coaching process.

    By committing to their responsibilities, the group can maximize the benefits they receive from the coaching process and achieve their desired outcomes.

    5. Fees

    The fees section of the agreement should outline the total fee for the coaching services being provided. This should include the cost of each session, as well as any additional services or resources that may be provided, such as email or phone support.

    The payment schedule should also be outlined in this section, including the due date for each payment and the methods of payment accepted.

    The agreement should also include a non-refundable policy, which specifies that the fees paid for the coaching services are non-refundable. This policy helps to ensure that the coach is compensated for their time and expertise, even if the group chooses to terminate the coaching relationship early or does not fully participate in the coaching process.

    Having a clear understanding of the fees and payment schedule can help to ensure a smooth and successful coaching experience for both the coach and the group.

    6. Confidentiality

    The agreement should include a section on confidentiality, in which both the coach and the group agree to maintain confidentiality regarding all information shared during coaching sessions.

    This helps to create a safe and trustworthy environment for open and honest discussions, and protects the privacy of all parties involved.

    The confidentiality section should also include an exception for requirements of law, which specifies that the coach or group may be required to disclose information if required by law or legal proceedings.

    7. Governing Law

    The governing law section of the agreement specifies the jurisdiction for any disputes that may arise during the coaching relationship. This helps to ensure that any legal issues are handled in a fair and consistent manner, and that the rights and obligations of all parties are clearly defined and understood.

    The governing law may be specified as the law of the state in which the coaching takes place, or may be based on the laws of a different jurisdiction if specified in the agreement.

    Having a clear understanding of the confidentiality and governing law provisions can help to ensure a smooth and successful coaching experience for both the coach and the group.

    8. Entire Agreement

    The entire agreement section should specify that this agreement supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or verbal, between the coach and the group. This is to ensure that any prior understandings or agreements are replaced by the terms of this agreement.

    This section should also emphasize the importance of the agreement being the entire agreement between the coach and the group, and that any additional or different terms not included in this agreement will not be binding unless agreed to in writing by both parties.

    9. Amendments

    The amendments section should include provisions for making changes to the agreement, including the process for adding or modifying any of the terms of the agreement. This could mean that both the coach and the group have to agree and give their written permission.

    This section should also specify that any changes to the agreement must be made in writing and executed by both parties in order to be valid and enforceable.

    It helps to ensure that all changes to the agreement are clearly documented and agreed to by both parties. Having a clear process for making changes to the agreement can help to ensure that the agreement remains up-to-date and reflective of the current coaching relationship.

    Download free group coaching contract template

    This is an example of a group coaching contract template that you can download. Simply copy and paste into Google Docs and you are great to go.

    This agreement (“Agreement”) is made on [insert date] between [Life Coach name], hereinafter referred to as the “Coach” and [Group name], hereinafter referred to as the “Client”.
    Purpose: The Coach will provide group life coaching services to the Client, with the aim of helping the Client reach their personal and professional goals.
    Duration: The coaching relationship will begin on [insert start date] and will end on [insert end date], unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties.
    Responsibilities of Coach: The Coach will provide the Client with the following services:
    [insert number] group coaching sessions of [insert duration], held [insert frequency and location].
    Preparation and delivery of customized coaching sessions, based on the Client’s needs and goals.
    Availability to answer questions and provide support between coaching sessions via email or phone.
    Responsibilities of Client: The Client will be responsible for:
    Attending all scheduled coaching sessions and being on time.
    Completing any homework or assignments given by the Coach.
    Providing honest feedback and participation in coaching sessions.
    Fees: The Client will pay the Coach a fee of [insert amount] for the coaching services described in this Agreement. The fee will be paid [insert payment schedule].
    Cancellation Policy: If the Client cancels a coaching session with less than [insert number of days] days’ notice, the session will be forfeited.
    Confidentiality: The Coach agrees to keep all information shared by the Client during coaching sessions confidential, except as required by law.
    Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time, with written notice to the other party.
    Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, and agreements, whether written or oral.
    Amendments: This Agreement may only be amended in writing, signed by both parties.
    Governing Law: This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [insert jurisdiction].
    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.
    [Life Coach name] [Group name]
    [Coach signature] [Client signature]

    I also have a Canva version of the life coaching contract and agreement. Since it is made in Canva, it is very easy to edit, change the color, add logo, and customize it to make it more professional. If you would like to check out the life coaching contract and agreement, click here.

    Thank you

  • 70 Self-love Coaching Questions | Self-love questions

    Self-Love Coach! Are you looking for self-love questions to coach your clients?

    Self-love coaching questions can help individuals to understand and cultivate a deeper sense of self-love and self-acceptance. Self-love is a critical aspect of our overall well-being and mental health, and it can be difficult to develop on our own. A self-love coach can provide guidance and support through self-exploration and introspection.

    Here are some common self-love coaching questions:

    1. What are your core values and beliefs?
    2. What are the things that make you happy and fulfilled?
    3. How do you treat yourself on a daily basis?
    4. What are your self-talk patterns?
    5. Do you have any negative self-image thoughts?
    6. How do you cope with difficult emotions or situations?
    7. What are your past experiences with self-love and self-acceptance?
    8. What does self-love mean to you?
    9. What are the steps you can take to improve your self-love and self-acceptance?
    10. What do you need from others to feel loved and accepted?

    Answering these questions can provide insight into your current relationship with self-love and help you identify areas for improvement. It can also help you to better understand your emotional triggers and how to handle them in a healthier way.

    It is important to remember that self-love is not a one-time process. It requires consistent effort and self-reflection. A self-love coach can help you to stay motivated and accountable, as well as provide guidance and support along the way.

    Overall, self-love coaching questions can be an effective tool in helping individuals to develop a deeper sense of self-love and self-acceptance. By exploring your inner thoughts and beliefs, you can gain a better understanding of yourself and your relationship with self-love, and take the necessary steps to cultivate a healthier and more fulfilling life.

    Looking for more self love questions ideas?

    Here are 70 self-love coaching questions to ask clients that you could use to get started:

    70 self-love coaching prompts example

    1. What does self-love mean to you?
    2. How do you currently feel about yourself?
    3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
    4. What are some negative thought patterns or beliefs that you have about yourself?
    5. How do these negative thought patterns or beliefs affect your ability to love yourself?
    6. What are some things that you do to take care of yourself?
    7. What are some things that you would like to do to improve your self-care practices?
    8. How do you currently cope with stress and challenges?
    9. What are some healthy coping strategies that you could use to deal with stress and challenges?
    10. What are your values and priorities in life?
    11. How do your values and priorities align with the way you currently live your life?
    12. What are your goals for your self-love journey?
    13. What are some specific actions that you could take to work towards your self-love goals?
    14. How do you currently prioritize your own needs and wants?
    15. How could you start to prioritize your own needs and wants more in your life?
    16. How do you currently set and maintain healthy boundaries with others?
    17. What are some strategies that you could use to set and maintain healthy boundaries with others?
    18. How do you currently show compassion to yourself?
    19. What are some ways that you could start to show more compassion to yourself?
    20. What are some things that you are proud of about yourself?
    21. How do you currently celebrate your accomplishments and successes?
    22. How could you start to celebrate your accomplishments and successes more in your life?
    23. What are some things that you enjoy doing for fun and relaxation?
    24. How do you currently make time for fun and relaxation in your life?
    25. What are some ways that you could start to make more time for fun and relaxation in your life?
    26. What are your passions and interests?
    27. How do you currently pursue your passions and interests?
    28. What are some ways that you could start to pursue your passions and interests more in your life?
    29. What are your strengths and how do you currently utilize them in your life?
    30. How could you start to utilize your strengths more in your life?
    31. What are your weaknesses and how do you currently work to improve them?
    32. How could you start to work on improving your weaknesses in a more positive and self-loving way?
    33. How do you currently show gratitude in your life?
    34. What are some ways that you could start to show more gratitude in your life?
    35. How do you currently set and work towards goals in your life?
    36. What are some strategies that you could use to set and work towards self-love goals more effectively?
    37. How do you currently handle setbacks and challenges in your life?
    38. What are some strategies that you could use to bounce back more quickly from setbacks and challenges?
    39. How do you currently deal with negative emotions and thoughts?
    40. What are some healthy ways that you could start to cope with negative emotions and thoughts?
    41. How do you currently seek support and guidance when you need it?
    42. What are some ways that you could start to seek more support and guidance when you need it?
    43. How do you currently deal with conflict and difficult situations in your relationships?
    44. What are some strategies that you could use to handle conflict and difficult situations more effectively and in a self-loving way?
    45. What are some ways that you could start to practice gratitude and mindfulness more in your life?
    1. How do you currently express your needs and wants to others?
    2. What are some strategies that you could use to more effectively communicate your needs and wants to others?
    3. How do you currently express your emotions and feelings to others?
    4. What are some strategies that you could use to more effectively communicate your emotions and feelings to others?
    5. How do you currently deal with criticism and feedback from others?
    6. What are some strategies that you could use to more effectively handle criticism and feedback from others in a self-loving way?
    7. How do you currently practice forgiveness, both for yourself and others?
    8. What are some strategies that you could use to practice forgiveness more effectively in your life?
    9. How do you currently deal with feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt?
    10. What are some strategies that you could use to cope with feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt in a more positive and self-loving way?
    11. How do you currently set and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships?
    12. What are some strategies that you could

    use to set and maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships more effectively? 58. How do you currently express your creativity and individuality?

    1. What are some ways that you could start to express your creativity and individuality more in your life?
    2. How do you currently practice self-acceptance and self-compassion?
    3. What are some strategies that you could use to practice self-acceptance and self-compassion more effectively in your life?
    4. How do you currently nurture your relationships with others?
    5. What are some ways that you could start to nurture your relationships with others more effectively?
    6. How do you currently handle feelings of stress and overwhelm?
    7. What are some strategies that you could use to more effectively cope with feelings of stress and overwhelm?
    8. How do you currently prioritize self-care and self-love in your life?
    9. What are some ways that you could start to prioritize self-care and self-love more in your life?
    10. How do you currently set and achieve personal and professional goals?
    11. What are some strategies that you could use to set and achieve personal and professional goals more effectively?
    12. How do you currently deal with negative thoughts and emotions?
    13. What are some strategies that you could use to more effectively cope with negative thoughts and emotions?
    14. How do you currently practice gratitude and mindfulness in your life?

    I recently developed a spreadsheet for self-love journaling just for fun. If you would like to check it out, feel free to visit my shop.

    Introducing Journal Google Sheet| 180 Days Self Love Journal Google Sheet Template | Gratitude Journaling Template Google Sheet Spreadsheet Tracker | Self Love Tools
    Ultimate Self Love Journaling Challenge.

    ??‍♀️Are you looking for a fun way to start journaling?
    ??‍♀️Are you feeling low self-worth? Keep saying negative things and being critical about yourself. joking about yourself in a negative way. focusing on your negatives and ignoring your achievements?
    People who have low self-love and self-esteem often feel that they have little control over their lives or what happens to them.

    ?Challenge Yourself to Self-love and Gratitude Journal for 180 days for Ultimate Self-love Activities

    ✏️Keep a daily record of life’s little blessings & good things with this keepsake gratitude self-love journal (?Gratitude journal INCLUDED! )

    ?Keeping a self love and gratitude journal is a popular practice to positive psychology. All it takes is a few moments of your time and a gratitude journal to record your thoughts.

    ?Practice self-love and gratitude with this simple, CUTE, and private journaling SPREADSHEET?

    Benefits of this self-love journaling practice
    · 1. Greater happiness
    · 2. Stronger resilience
    · 3. Increased motivation
    · 4. Better physical and mental health.

    ?Features of the 180 Days Self Love Journal Challenge Spreadsheet.

    · This spreadsheet came in with endless prefilled self-love prompts to keep you journal every day.
    · Just select from the dropdown menu. Or you can completely customize it!
    · Add your own prompts if you want to. There are 185(6 months worth) of prompts to choose
    · Keep you accountable with an overview of the total journaling days
    · Word counter for all your needs! Knowing the word count of a text can be satisfying.
    · This sheet Instantly count words in your everyday journal.
    · Automatically keep track and display of how many days have you been journaling
    · Also came in with section to write your gratitude journal

    Are you new to Gratitude and Self Love Journaling? Just use this FRIENDLY and EASY Google Spreadsheet to help you record life’s little blessings & good things every day

    Step up your GSheet Spreadsheet game.

    Google sheets are not for data analysis only, it could be use for your writing!

    Journal your self-love and gratitude with this Stinkin’ Cute and Easy to Use Spreadsheet!

    ?What is included in this 180 Days Self Love Journal Challenge Google Sheet?

    – A section for an overview of the total journaling days
    – A section for Word counters for all your needs!
    – A section to add the date of your journal
    – A section to add ‘what makes you happy today
    – A section to add your gratitude
    – A section to select self-love prompts from the dropdown
    – A section to customize the prompts or even add your own
    – A section to journal your day as much as you want
    – A section for word count


    ? These 180 Days Self Love Journal Challenge Spreadsheet are

    ?Fully editable in Google Sheet account
    ? Can change the color and font of choice
    ? Cute and neat design


    ?What you will receive?
    – A pdf link contains a link to Google Spreadsheet.
    – A tutorial and walkthrough on how to use.
    – Entire access to template updates.

    ?What do you need to have to access this template

    – You need a FREE Google Sheets account to make a copy of this template to your own account.
    – This template is NOT COMPATIBLE with Excel❌

    ?How it works ? (Step-by-step)

    *After purchase, download the PDF instructions document that is in your Etsy purchase confirmation
    *You will receive a PDF file that contains the Gsheet link ✔️
    *Sign up or sign into your FREE Google Sheets account to access it.✔️
    *Click the link in the PDF File. Click File> Make a copy
    – This spreadsheet is only for Google Sheets, not for Excel. ❌


    This is for personal use only.
    You may NOT edit this spreadsheet as base templates to resell, redistribute or share as digital resources.
    You may NOT sell this template as it is.
    You may NOT claim this template as your design.

    All templates are copyrighted from Ⓒanysplanner | femaleceoclub

    – If you are a LIFE COACH, and you teach productivity as a part of self-care/self-love, you may need a COMMERCIAL LICENSE to give this spreadsheet or SELL it to your clients.

    – For commercial use, you need to purchase a separate license to be able to sell this spreadsheet on your website or Etsy Shop.

    If you a life coach, you can use this spreadsheet for commercial use by purchasing commercial license. 😀

    Thank you for reading.

  • How To Create Amazing Coaching Welcome Packet Template

    Welcome to How to Create a Coaching Client Welcome Packet

    Creating a coaching client welcome packet is an important part of the onboarding process for any coach. In this article, I will discuss how to create an amazing coaching welcome packet template. Coaching welcome packet template helps to set expectations, provide information about your services, and create a positive first impression with potential clients.

    Why coaching welcome packet template is important?

    • It helps to set expectations for the coaching relationship .

    • It provides information about your services and how you work with clients

    • It creates a positive first impression with potential clients

    • It can help to establish trust and credibility

    • It can be used as a reference point throughout the coaching process

    What should be included in the coaching welcome packet template ? 

    A well-crafted welcome packet should include the following elements:

    1. Introduction and welcome

    Introduce yourself and your services in a friendly and professional manner. Include a brief overview of your experience and qualifications, as well as a description of the services you provide.

    2. Goals

    Write goals that they are going to work on when working with you. This will help you create an effective coaching plan for your clients.

    3. Expectations

    Clearly outline what clients can expect from working with you, such as the frequency of sessions, payment terms, and any other relevant policies.

    4. Agreement

    Include a coaching agreement that outlines the terms of your services and any applicable policies.

    5. Resources

    Provide helpful resources such as articles, books, or other materials that may be useful to clients during their coaching journey.

    6. Contact Information

    Include your contact information so that clients can easily reach out with questions or concerns.

    7. Next Steps

    Out line the next steps in the onboarding process, such as scheduling an initial consultation or completing any necessary paperwork.

    8. Testimonials

    Include testimonials from past clients to demonstrate the value of your services.

    9. Frequently Asked Questions

    Provide answers to common questions about your coaching services and policies.

    10. Closing

    Thank potential clients for their interest in working with you and invite them 

    Tips to make your client’s experience delighted with the your client welcome packet.

    To ensure that your clients have a delightful experience with your welcome packet, here are some tips:


    Begin the welcome package with a handwritten note congratulating the new client and welcoming them into your inner circle.

    Include personal touches such as photos of yourself or your office to make the packet more inviting.

    You should reassure them that they’ve made the proper choice in selecting you and your coaching programme, and you should briefly highlight the advantages they’ll have as a result of working with you.


    Give your clients advice and pointers on how to make the most of your time together.

    Highlight planning, mindset, and productivity hacks, as well as additional resources, to ensure a smooth journey.


    It’s critical to reassure your clients that they’re in good hands and that you care about them and their outcomes.

    Show them how to contact you if they are stuck or require additional assistance.

    Put it in there if you want to set some boundaries (which is perfectly fine!). Just make sure to phrase it positively and encouragingly. Because this isn’t the place to show them how to do things your way.

    If you are looking for more tips about coaching and getting clients, read these helpful articles :

  • How To Create A Coaching Program (Step by Step)- Ultimate Guide

    Creating a successful coaching program can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only will you be able to help others reach their goals with your coaching packages, but you’ll also be able to make a living doing something you love.

    In this article, I will talk about how to create coaching packages or coaching programs that will attract your dream clients effortlessly.

    Before you can create a coaching program, it’s important to understand what a coaching program is.

    What is a coaching program ?

    A coaching program is an organized system of support and guidance that helps people reach their goals. It typically involves one-on-one or group sessions with a coach who provides advice, feedback, and accountability.

    p/s Read The Ultimate Guide to Create a Profitable Online Coaching Program

    Importance of creating a coaching program

    Coaching programs are an invaluable tool for helping people reach their goals. They provide guidance, support, and accountability to ensure that clients stay on track and make progress towards their goals.

    Coaching programs can also help build relationships between coaches and clients, which can lead to long-term success.

    Additionally, coaching programs can be a great way to make a living doing something you love.

    The purpose of this blog post is to provide new coaches with the information and resources they need to create a successful coaching package / program.

    We will discuss the steps involved in defining your niche, developing your program structure, creating materials, setting pricing, and launching your brand new coaching program.

    By following these steps, coaches can create a program or a coaching package that meets their clients’ needs and helps them reach their

    Step 1 : Define Your Niche

    A. Define your niche and target market

    The first step in creating a successful coaching program is to define your niche and target market.

    The first step in defining your niche is to identify your area of expertise. Think about the topics you are most knowledgeable and passionate about, and consider how you can use this knowledge to help others.

    This will help you create a program easily that meets the needs of your clients and helps them reach their goals

    B. Research your target market

    Once you’ve identified your area of expertise, it’s time to research your target market. Consider who your ideal clients are and what their needs are. You can use online surveys, focus groups, or interviews to get feedback from potential clients.

    C. Determining their pain points

    It’s important to determine the pain points of your target market. This will help you create a program that meets their needs and helps them reach their goals.

    D. Identify your unique selling proposition

    Once you’ve identified their pain points and done some research, it’s important to identify your unique selling proposition (USP). The USP is the core message that will differentiate your program from others in the market. This will help you stand out from the competition and attract potential clients.

    Step 2 : Define Your Coaching Program’s Objectives

    Defining the objectives of your coaching program is an essential step in creating a successful program. It helps you to focus on what you want to achieve and how you plan to get there. By clearly defining your objectives, you can ensure that your program meets the needs of your clients and helps them reach their goals. Additionally, it will help you create materials, set pricing, and promote your program effectively.

    A. Setting clear and specific goals

    Setting clear and specific goals is essential for any successful coaching program. It helps you focus on what you want to achieve and how you plan to get there. Additionally, it will help you create materials, set pricing, and promote your program effectively.

    B. Determining the outcomes you want to achieve

    It’s important to determine the outcomes you want to achieve. Think how you are going to help your clients from point A to point B which is their desired goals. This will help you focus on what you want to accomplish for your clients and how you plan to get there. Additionally, it will help you create lesson plans, coaching materials, and promote your program effectively.

    C. Aligning your objectives with your target audience’s needs

    When creating content for your program, it’s important to ensure that your objectives are aligned with the needs of your target audience. Consider what topics are most relevant to them and how you can use them to help them reach their goals.

    Step 3 : Designing the Program or Develop Your Program Structure

    A. Outline the structure and format of the program

    Once you’ve identified your objectives and target audience, it’s time to design the structure and format of your program. Consider what type of coaching you want to offer and how you plan to deliver it.

    Example of type of coaching

    B. Develop a timeline for your coaching program

    Developing a timeline is essential for ensuring that your program runs smoothly and that clients stay on track. Consider the duration or how long each session should be, how often they should occur (frequency of sessions), and any additional activities or resources that will be included.

    C. Set pricing

    Once you’ve developed a timeline for your program, it’s time to set pricing. Consider what type of payment plan you want to offer and how much you want to charge for the program.

    Here’s a few things to consider when setting your pricing strategy.

    1. Balancing the cost of delivering the services with the value offered
    2. Choosing the right pricing model (e.g. hourly rate, package deal, etc.)
    3. Evaluating the pricing strategy based on the market research
    4. Making adjustments to the pricing strategy as needed

    Step 4 : Developing the Curriculum

    A. Outlining the content of your coaching program and creating a lesson plan

    Once you’ve determined the structure and format of your program, it’s time to create an outline for your program.

    This should include the

    -topics you plan to cover in each session

    -the activities you will use

    -any resources or coaching tools you will need such as worksheets or workbooks.

     B. Developing additional coaching materials including hands-on activities and exercises

    Developing coaching materials is essential for ensuring that clients stay on track and get the most out of your program. Consider what type of materials you will need such as worksheets, workbooks, and other resources. You may incorporating client’s assessments and evaluations worksheets and as well.

    Step 5 : Launching the Program

    When launching your coaching program, it is very important to create a marketing plan and block your launching calendar. When you want to launch your coaching program, you need to have a few things in place. That’s include a landing page or sales page, social media accounts and an email list. 

    A. Creating a marketing plan to promote Your Coaching Program

    I highly suggest for you to create a marketing calendar to launch your new coaching business.

    This might includes

    • – 2 weeks building authority with educational content. 
    • – 2 weeks of promoting your new coaching program
    • – 5 days of pitching your offer 

    Having a digital calendar would help you plan you marketing strategy effectively.

    I have a 30-Day Social Media Content Calendar that you can use to roughly sketch your marketing plan.

    Also, if you need help with Life Coach Instagram Content or Instagram Templates for Life Coaches , check out this 150 Life Coach Infographic Starter Pack.

    life coach infographic for instagram content

    B. Launching the program and attracting participants

    I. Creating a website or landing page

    Creating a website or landing page is essential for promoting your program effectively. Consider what type of content you want to include on the page and how you plan to promote it.

    I highly recommend for you to use to setup your landing page for a few worthy reasons.

    • Build authority when people see your domain name which should represent your brand.
    • Makes you look professional as a brand.
    • Affordable where you only need to pay for hosting. It could be as cheap as $35 per year.
    • If you use Elementor plugins to design your landing page, it is extremely easy as Elementor has drag-and-drop features.

    Check out this Elementor Sales Page and Elementor Sales Funnel if you are looking for a stunning landing page or sales page for your coaching program.

    If you decide to upgrade to entire vault, it includes everything from done-for-you brandable coaching programs specifically made for life coaches, done for you social media graphics, Webinar Canve Templates , Trello boards to organize your life and coaching business and a lot more!

    II. Utilizing social media

    Social media is a great way to reach potential clients and promote your program. Consider which platforms are most relevant to your target audience and plan on how to use them.

    Social media will give a quick boost to your coaching business if use it right. Here’s a few platform that you can choose to show up and build followings.

    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • Tiktok
    • Linkedin

    Consider learning from online courses or Youtube video on how to leverage social media to make you visible to the world and land your dream clients.

    III. Creating an email list

    Creating an email list is essential for staying in touch with potential and current clients. Create an email list from the start. You will thank yourself later. Once you have created your opt-in or landing page to capture email list, consider setting up automation in your email service provider. Think of what type of content you want to include in your emails and how often you plan to send them out.

    Check out this done-for-you email content for life coaches. This will help you save time and money from hiring people to manage your email marketing for your life coaching business.

    Step 6 : Evaluating and Improving the Program

    A. Collecting feedback from participants

    Collecting feedback from participants is essential for improving your program. Ask them what they liked and disliked about the program, what could be improved, and any other suggestions they may have.

    B. Analyzing data

    Analyze the data you collected from participants to identify areas of improvement. Consider how you can make changes to the program based on this data.

    C. Making adjustments

    Make adjustments to the program based on the feedback and data you collected. Think of new strategy on how you can make the program more effective and engaging for participants in the future.

    D. Evaluating results

    Evaluate the results of the program to determine if it was successful. Consider what worked well and what could be improved upon in future iterations of the program.

    If you are looking for more tips about coaching and getting clients, read these helpful articles :


    Creating a successful coaching program requires dedication and hard work, but it can be incredibly rewarding when you see your clients reach their goals. With careful planning and execution, you can create a program that meets the needs of your target audience and helps them reach their goals.

    Remember to start small and build up from there. Don’t try to do too much at once or you may become overwhelmed. Take the time to plan out each step of your program and make sure you have the resources to support it. 

    By following these steps, you will be able to create a successful coaching program that meets the needs of your target audience. Good luck!

    Check out this Done For You Brandable Life Coaching program specifically made for life coaches.

    Done For You Life Coaching Program – Self Love Coaching Program
    Done For You Life Coaching Program – Abundance Mindset Coaching Program