Hey guys, I’m very excited to write today’s post, because I really wanted to share with you the truth of starting a blog.


Yes, it is true what other bloggers might say that it require less investment to start a blog, (i.e to tell other people that you have a blog) but to run, maintain, grow and scale your blog, you definitely require more investment and need to upgrade to more expensive plugins ,software or tools.


Nevertheless, I’m really excited to share this one with you guys and I am always being transparent with the investment that I made.


I believe there are some other investment that I made that I cannot recall of, so it might not be in this list because I’ve made that purchases months ago. However, I will continuosly update this list from time to time so it is updated. (last update in June 2021)

I really hope that this post will be beneficial for you as I would find this entire blogging cost will be very beneficial for me as a beginner.


I suggest for you to bookmark this blogpost  and  refer it whenever you think you want to scale your blog and need to upgrade any plugins or make an investment.


I hope you enjoyed this reading this blog post, and if you have any questions, do let me know in the comment section down below.

Before we dive in, make sure to download my Blogger’s Magical Guide to start making money through your blog..

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Hosting and Domain

      • For my domain name and hosting, I use NetKl. Particularly because I have nothing to complain but a compliment of their customer support. They replied to my query as fast as lightning. Plus their plans are super affordable for me..


1st year – $30 / RM100

2nd year – $40/ Rm200 (this is because I upgraded the capacity on the blog)


TOTAL : ~$70


I am an avid blog design theme and a designer at heart so I switch to tons of blog themes . I love switch theme because I am looking the perfect one for me as a blogger and business owner. I finally found one that I swear to stick for at least 2-3 years.


Here are some of themes that I remember purchasing but I can promise you I purchased a lot more


HelloYou Hello Coach $69

      • Pros : Really good theme for service provider to showcase your skills and  service.
      • Cons : Takes time to actually install numerous wordpress plugins needed to make the theme looks like demo. It could take 4- 6 hours if not more to actually make the blog looks in place (that includes install plugins, create graphics, logos etc).. But I suggest for you to use their installation service. It will save you tons of time..


HelloYou Hello Team $68

      • Pros : Perfect theme for Ecommerce website or shop owners. I use this theme now and I love it to bits.
      • Cons : Same like above, it does take time to setup.. I took 2 days to make the themes looks great and personalize it to my blog..


Little Theme from Etsy $45

      • Pros : This theme is super cute and affordable. I just love it!
      • Cons : It has less features and that includes a shop features so I have to switch.. They also have a theme that E-commerce friendly but it is a little expensive..


Asthetic Blogging Theme from Etsy $30

      • I have to buy these because it is so pretty , the price is so affordable too..
      • The fonts are really small to my liking to position myself as a professional blogger.

My own Business Theme $45

      • Pros : This theme is perfect for coaches, course creators, virtual assistant and service providers.

It is also easy to install and edit . Drag and drop features.

Hire Fiver for blog theme : $35

      • Biggest mistake! I didn’t even like the theme and it doesn’t suit my goals and personality..

TOTAL : ~$295


      • Graphics plays a major role guys! One to create for Pinterest marketing, second to add graphic in the blog.

Canva Pro subscription : $15/ month or free

      • I subscribe to Canva Pro on and off. Only when I find I need more icons, templates features that month.
      • Other months, I just use Canva basic which is free.


Haute Stock for stock photos : $97 / 3 monthly

      • Haute Stock has tons of beautiful stock photos which includes flatlays, office photos. I love it but I didn’t continue to subscribe them because I did not have the budget yet..


Etsy Stock Photos : $35 / one time

      • Great investment for 100 pretty flatlays. But the flatlays are basic and less choice.


TOTAL : ~$147


Tailwind : $89 / year

      • I use Free plans for my first 2 months but then I realize that Tailwind a powerful schedule tools that I need to invest. This is a must for a beginner blogger..


Email Service Provider Free – $15-$30/month

      • Mailerlite  : Free up to 1000 subscribers
      • $15/month: 1,001 – 2,500
      • $30/month: 2,501 – 5,000



Membervault  Free – $19/month

      • Free plan is limited to 3 products only..


TOTAL : ~$123


NotificationX for FOMO ~$35


MonsterInsight for Analytics ~$99


GPL for Woocommerce ~$25


Thrive Cart as Payment Gateway – $495

      • Not yet purchased but it is in my top wishlist 🎉


TOTAL : ~$654


        1. Pintraction by Alessandra Caprice  ~$97
        2. Pinning Strategy by IncomingSuccess ~$20
        3. Pinterest Ebook by AnnaSheApproach ~$35
  • Course24 $97


TOTAL : ~$249


Website and shop setup : ~$999

      • I do this on my own and it takes time , effort and patience..

Graphic designer  : ~$999

      • I do this on my own and it takes time , effort and patience..


This is the cost I estimated if I hire a freelancer which will save me tons of time and I can focus on what matters!

I didn’t because I am have basic design skill and I am tight in budget.


TOTAL : ~$1998


Ipad Pro + Magic Keyboard – ~$999 /lifetime
Macbook Air – ~$1299 / lifetime
Internet – ~$20/month


TOTAL : ~$2318



Notions – free

One Note – free

Trello – free



Trello Blogging Template from Kate Doster Trello Magic ~$35

Blog Topic Ideas from Etsy ~$10


TOTAL : ~$45