Make Money Designing

  • How to install Elementor templates for WordPress theme

    Hello Gorgeous! The steps to install the theme are really simple and easy, so we are going straight to the point. If you have any questions or face any difficulties, just let me know.

    1. Go to your WordPress dashboard by accessing
    2. Make sure you have Elementor plugins (free version or pro version).
      Some theme works best with Elementor pro (depending on your purchase).
    3. If you don’t have the Elementor plugins yet, feel free to download them.
      Go to Plugins -> Add new -> Search Elementor –> Click install –> Activate

    4. Now create a new page to load your Elementor template. Go to ‘Pages’ , click ‘Add new’.
    p/s If you bought multiple Elementor templates, to speed things up, just create multiple pages and name it as ‘Homepage’, ‘About me page’, ‘Portfolio page’ at the same time by opening multiple tabs.

    5. Click ‘Edit with Elementor as shown below and the Elementor page should pop up after that.

    edit elementor

    6. Click the ‘Folder icon’ and ‘upload icon’ as shown below.

    7. Finally click ‘Select file to import the Elementor template to your Elementor Library. Then, when the file is already been uploaded, click the button ‘Insert’ to insert the template to your page.

    Now your blog pages are ready. Hooray!

    You can start customizing the theme by just drag & drop and edit the color to customize the page according to your brand color. Don’t forget to change the link as well.


    ??How to set your default WordPress homepage.

    1. Go to your WordPress dashboard by accessing
    2. Click Setting –> Reading –> Select your ‘homepage name’ to change the front page of your website.
    3. Voila!

    ??How to select right layout

    Make sure to select the right layout for your page for the best view.
    – If you want a full Elementor page view (no original header and footer), select Elementor Canvas
    – If you want to maintain your current website header and footer, select Elementor Full Width

    ??How to set your default WordPress-Elementor blog page.

    1. Go to your WordPress dashboard by accessing
    2. Hover to Templates -> Theme builder
    3. Click Add new -> Choose Template –> select single then select ‘post’ -> upload your Elementor blogpost template. Now all your blog posts will follow the Elementor design that you uploaded..


    If you are received an error message, that means you need to either
    Install Elementor Pro (some templates use Elemetor Pro -already stated during purchase)
    Update your Elementor Pro plugins
    Increase your blog host capacity to upload files. Some Elementor templates are big size. Most of the time, the error occurs due to blog host upload capacity. So what you need to do is to change the upload capacity to a bigger size. I recommend changing it to 512mb or 1gb.

    Here’s is the tutorial to increase the host upload capacity limit.. 


    This is the tutorial to setup Woocommerce in your theme..

    Enjoy your new business theme or sales funnel!

  • Best WordPress Theme for Bloggers in 2021

    Being a blogger myself and a blog reader for as long as I can remember, other than the content itself, blog appearance is super duper important as well. Blog theme makes me HOOK EASILY ! It also determines your personality and how professional you are as a blogger or website owner.

    Blog theme is first thing that catch my attention when i visited someone website. You can differentiate between a blog that looks fresh and a blog that looks tard old.

    A blog that looks old makes others think that your content was 4-5 years old and outdated. While a lot of bloggers like to repurpose their content (which is great), the reason it still looks fresh and new is that they are using modern theme and of course updated the content.

    Why blog theme is important?

    Because it is YOUR blog face and features.

    There are numerous of reasons why blog theme is vitals.
    Other than it plays major percentage of your blogging game plan (because ultimately you want to make your blog as part of your business game plan), it also important as following reasons. ..

    1. Professional blog theme instills know, like, and trust factor.
    2. Good looking blog with beautiful graphics give good first impression to your user
    3. It helps your SEO (search engine optimization) which is incredibly vital.
    4. Fresh blog theme makes overall blog content fresh
    5. More in love with your blog thus more excited to create a content.
    6. Good theme gives a good conversion.

    Anyway, without further a do , here are my top wordpress themes that I love and most importantly they are super affordable for a designer level! These themes are ranging from $50-$150 and it is actually difficult to find good themes that are cheaper than this price.

    Top on my list..

    This is in top list themes for bloggers but in no particular order.

    Female CEO theme

    1. Really great and beautiful theme
    2. High speed and responsive
    3. Comes with opt in box for conversion
    4. Easy to setup and to customize (just drag and drop) and single click to change color and photos

    1. None! (well that is because it is my theme)
    2. For those who don’t like Elementor, this is a minus point , but this isn’t a major issue.
    3. Only works for

    Bluechic Theme

    1. Really pretty and beautiful theme
    2. High speed and responsive
    3. Comes with opt in box for conversion
    4. Easy to setup and to customize (just drag and drop) and single click to change color and photos

    1. For those who don’t like Elementor, this is a minus point , but this isn’t a major issue.
    2. Only works for

    Hello You design Theme

    1. Really pretty and professional theme
    2. Comes with opt in box for conversion
    3. Single click to change color and photos

    1. Could be slightly tricky to change font etc.
    2. Only works for