17 New Client Coaching Forms Toolkits for Coaches | Sales Script- Scripts for coaches,
New Client Kit: Includes 17 Done-for-You Forms to Help You Spend Less Time on Paperwork so You Can Do More of What You Love!
We’ve done all of the work for you and you can access them in minutes.
You can try to create these from scratch or hire your Virtual Assistant to create them, but why do that when we’ve done the work for you?
Here are the 17 Forms You’ll Get to Create Your Own New Client Welcome Kit:
You will receive the following 17 Canva templates so that you can branded the forms, add your logo and customize them for your own use in working with your clients.
✰Welcome Letter. As the first experience of your new client kit, your welcome letter will be warm, encouraging and build excitement for your time together.
✰Payment Arrangements Form. It’s good to have a detailed agreement for a set payment schedule so everyone is on the same page regarding payments.
✰Coaching Success Guidelines. The guidelines governing your sessions are clearly laid out so that the sessions can be as productive and beneficial as possible.
✰Coaching Agreement. This is an agreement verifying the expectations for both you and your client during your sessions.
✰Ongoing Precall Form. By allowing your client to evaluate herself before each coaching session, this will give you an idea of what is important to discuss before your next session.
✰Client Call Notes. Keeping track of what was discussed during each session is vital to tracking progress and following up on agreed upon action steps.
✰How Coaching Works. Helping your client to understand your coaching style and your expectations will enable both of you to go forward with a clear understanding.
✰How to Hold Me Accountable. Since everyone’s motivations are different, your client can use this form to tell you how to respond in certain situations.
✰Business Goals Worksheet. This worksheet offers an amazing accountability tool for you and your client to turn goals into actions.
✰Client Invoice. This will help keep everyone on track with how many payments have been made, the payments left and how much money is collected.
Confidentiality Agreement. This agreement verifies the confidential nature of the relationship for both you and your client.
✰Code of Ethics. Your promise to your client so she feels comfortable and confident in working with you.
✰My Coaching History Form. Get detailed information about your client’s coaching history, if they’ve had coaching, what worked, what didn’t or if they’re completely new to the world of coaching.
✰How to Prepare for a Coaching Session. Allow your client to prepare for her coaching session with you in the best way possible.
✰Intake Form. Using this form will allow you to gain a rudimentary picture of your client before the first meeting, so you come prepared to discuss where they’re currently at and where they wish to be.
Referral Request. This referral request can be customized and emailed to your client when you have space open to accept new clients.
These done-for-you template will help you embark your coaching journey and make your life easier.
You’ll have a professionally coaching business in a matter of a couple days, NOT MONTH/YEARS!
✰ If you are a coach who wants to stabilize your monthly income into consistently higher months so you can focus on enjoying your business and serving at the highest level
✰ If you are a coach who realizes your current business model is too slow & time consuming to give you your dream of time freedom, making more money and enjoying a flexible lifestyle with your coaching business
✰ Imagine…With our Done-For-You coaching toolkits You Can Start Leveraging Your Time, Making More Money and Touching More Lives.
Isn’t That Why You Started Your Coaching Business?
*After purchase, download the link that is in your Etsy purchase confirmation
*Access the template link via clickable link in the PDF document that you will get in your Etsy purchase confirmation
This is a printable file which means that no physical product will be sent to you. You will receive a link for an instant download once your payment has been confirmed.
You can print the document or view the pdf as an eguide / ebook in your device.
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